c. The other three romantic comedies associated with this play are 'As you like it,' 'Henry the fifth and Ben johnson's. Every man in his humor.
2a. The three basic plot lines of the play are Bennedick and Beatrice falling in love, Don John seeking to destroy Don pedro by any means possible and Claudio being in love with Hero and is tricked into beleiving that she is disloyal but inthe end finds out the truth and marries her.
4a. The relationship between Beatrice and Bennedick differ from that of Claudio and Hero because while persons in the play tried to bring Beatrice and bennedick together, persons tried desparately to tear Claudio and Hero apart.
b The relationships between Beatrice and Bennedick and Claudio and Hero are related because Beatrice and Hero are cousins and Bennedick and Claudio are good friends.
5. What is unusual about the form of language in which this romantic comedy is written is that the characters do not speak everyday, regular english. They speak something similar to that of languge spoken in the bible. Reason for this si because the play is based on the days of Shakespere and it is beleived that in those days this is how persons spoke.
6. The unusual thing about the accomplishments of Dogberry and his amateur police force is that they mistakenly solved the crime of the wrong done to Hero. Their findings were not intentional.
16. The "jade's trick in line 140 according to Beatrice is referring to Bennedick's last insult to Beatrice, comparing Beatrice's mouth to that of a horse.
17a. In relation to the rest of the characters, I would say Claudio was no younger than 23 band no older than 26. This is my opinion, because among the other characters he seems to be the most inexperienced and in need of a lot of guidance.
17b. In relation to the rest of the characters we can see that he is much younger than Don Pedro and a bit younger than Bennedick as well.This is shown in how inquisitive Claudio is. He questions Bennedick and Don Pedro as if he has not yet fully matured. He questions them about about love and life in general. He is easily influenced and made jealous when Don John and his comjpanions trick him into thinking that Don Pedro wants Hero for himself.
19. In a Shakesperean play a characetr's declaration is significant when he says he will never
7. It is important to the play that the society in which the action takes place is very tight-knit, and everyone seems to know each other very well because this is needed for parts of the play to make sense. Everyone practically knows everyone else's doings. This helps the play to flow and connects the characters, making it easy for the reader to understand. In the novel when Claudio is tricked into thinking that Hero is being unfaithful to him, this would not have made sense if the whole place was not tight knit. Everyone knows Hero's room, her clothes and such. Her gentle woman even has access to her bedroom.
8. The men in this play are obsessed with the females of the play and marrying them but not ordinary women, pure and beautiful ones. According to folklore how does this condition reveal itself? The men of the upper classes are especially vulnerable because they are very rich, respected and most times handsome, making them desirable.
30. Leonato and Antonio want Hero to accept the propasal made by the Prince.
30. Leonato and Antonio want Hero to accept the propasal made by the Prince.
34. The interchange between Bennedick and Beatrice when they dance differ from that of other couples because Beatrice doesn't make her partner feel comfortable, infact Beatrice is unaware that she is dancing with Bennedick.
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